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The Painted Pinto

Sun Dance

Sun Dance

Regular price $2,485.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $2,485.00 USD
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Sun Dance 

One of a kind hand painted piece. The suede seat is a buttery soft genuine suede that echos the Pendleton design on the back of the chairs. The chair has been sealed!

I really love this piece and as usual I either have a name right off the bat or it comes to me in the process. This time it was the process and once I got to upholstering the back of the chair I noticed how the design graduated from red, to orange, yellow and divided by a dark purple stripe down the middle with a diamond at the top. As I sat looking at it I remembered a story about the Native American Sun Dance. So this pattern represented the rise and fall of the sun, the purple line the pole and the diamond represents the Thunderbird nest.

I hope you love the piece and enjoy the story!

The Ponca sun dance was a four-day ceremony of dancing, fasting, and prayer held in mid-summer when the corn was in silk. The event was held in a newly built, circular, enclosed arbor partially open to the sky. A tree was ritually cut down and placed in the center of the circle as a pole. A "thunderbird nest" was attached near the top of the pole. On the final day, young men attached themselves to the pole with rawhide thongs pegged through the skin of their chests and danced, looking up at the thunderbird nest

This specific piece is a rare find and it slightly larger then my other creations, lending plenty of bottom for comfort.  They are perfect for your private master closet or that beautiful master bathroom vanity.

Let The Painted Pinto design and create this beautiful piece for you!


Price does not include shipping that will be quoted after completion of project.


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